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2024-25 season
Fast paced social dance class - content

For advanced and very advanced dancers

November 2024: Kate Gentles


Belated thanks to Kate Gentles for a fabulous fast paced social dance class in November. She started us off relatively gently with Trip to Gatlinburg which, although it required a good turn of sped, was relatively straightforward. We moved on t o the Hunter’s Drift, a reel featuring a modified corner pass and turn, then Ruby Wilkinson’s Farewell to the Crenshaws. This required a lot of focus as the 1st and 4th couple danced interlocking reels of 4 with the corner position whilst the 2s and 3s danced reels of 4 across. It was a lot more complicated to describe and to walk than it actually was to dance, and we got there satisfactorily eventually!  It wasn’t helped by the evening being interrupted by an intermittent fire alarm.


The next dance, Reuben Butler, required a lot of foot coordination as we worked to master the Waltz Poussette, and left many of us vowing to practice in the kitchen until we succeeded.  It wasn’t just the dancers who were challenged in Cairn Edward, a Hugh Foss dance written in 6 bar phrases. Apparently the first tune is challenging to play, and it gets worse thereafter.  We were treated to the rare sight of Adam frowning in concentration as he played – a memorable occasion!

We had just 5 minutes left and enjoyed a non-demanding Domino Five to close the evening.


Many thanks to Kate and to Adam for a most enjoyable class. Our December class will be on the slightly earlier than usual date of 10 December. Dave Hall will be our teacher this month with Adam again on keyboard.


Trip to Gatlinburg 3/4L · J32 Tang, 1994

The Hunter’s Drift 3/4L · R32 Knooihuizen 2012

Ruby Wilkinson’s Farewell to Cranshaws 4/4L · S32 Brown Bk 52

Reuben Butler 3/4L · J32 Unknown; Sir Walter Scott, The Heart of Midlothian 

Cairn Edward 3/4L · J24 Foss; Galloway Album

Domino Five 5pS · R32 Haynes: A Second Book of Graded Scottish Country Dances 



October 2024: Andrew Nolan


Many thanks to Andrew Nolan who gave us an energetic and highly enjoyable session, accompanied by Adam Brady on keyboard. Andrew led us through a series of slightly different formations, an upside down (mirrored) allemande, a 3 couple espagnole, a 4 couple poussette, variations on reels and more.  Dance details linked below.


Next month we will be joined by Kate Gentles on 19 November.  Before that, do come along to the Autumn Wednesday dance tomorrow evening, 30 October, 7-10pm, at St Columba’s Lower Hall. Great music from Chris Oxtoby, MCs Judith Jones and Jim Cook, and an excellent programme of dances to suit all.   Details here.




September 2024: Jeremy Hill


We had a great start to the new season with a vigorous and most enjoyable class from Jeremy Hill, accompanied by Adam Brady.  Noting that many of the  dances included novel variations on standard formations, Jeremy began with the Newby Circle which, unusually for an around the room dance, had different moves for first and second couples. The Brisk Young Lad, a five-couple dance,  demanded a degree of briskness from all as the initial reel of 4 was danced around the stationary 3rd couple.


The class numbers enforced an amendment to “Two up, Two down”, resulting in one set dancing “Two up, One down”  (perhaps a reflection on the modern housing market). Inspired by Pat Batt’s poem ‘The Ladies Man’,  which paid tribute to the  “two-sex Scottish Dancers who have to dance on either side of the set”, this dance reversed ends after each iteration. The poem, plus link to the dance, and Pat’s other poems may be found on the London Branch website.


“Oh , whistle and I’ll come tae ye my Lad” was, confusingly, was not accompanied by the traditional song but by “Borowlaski's Fancy”. It began by both first and third couple crossing righthand into a mirror reel of three and then crossing back for a second reel (leading to a little confusion, initially as to who was dancing as what sex but all well resolved by the end of the dance).


“Minard Castle” required a bit of googling to advise the class that it is located on the northwest shore of Loch Fyne near the road from Inveraray to Lochgilphead. The next dance, The Saltire Medley, had an unusual formation beginning in a square set with a lady at each corner and two men, back to back in the middle. The dance began with  “Hazel Tree corners”  and ended with “Mairi's Wedding Reels”  in Strathspey time, with the reel time variation of all four ladies joining in for double diagonal reels of 4 at the end, The evening ended with “The Penny Whistle”, devised by Ann Dix for Frank and Kathy Reid.


Thanks to all who came this month. Our next class will be on Tuesday 15 October and the teacher will be Andrew Nolan.


Meanwhile our NEW SEASON TEA DANCE  is this coming Saturday 21 September 2-5pm in the assembly hall at Maria Fidelis School, NW1 1LY. Join us for great music from Ian Robertson and his band – plus cake!



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