Scottish country dancing across the capital
Welcome to RSCDS London
We are a branch of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society, the first formed outside Scotland, over 90 years ago, and still one of the largest branches worldwide.
We offer all the fun of Scottish country dance with classes through the week, social dancing and events during the year.
Come on your own or bring a friend, there's always plenty of people eager to dance with you.
We share news about dancing in London and South East via social media and regular e-updates plus The Reel, our quarterly magazine
Our home in London is St Columba's Church, Pont Street, Knightsbridge, which hosts many Scottish country dance events as well as some classes. Other branch classes take place in Euston and Richmond and there are many associated Scottish country dance groups around London.

Click on the links below for more information about how we run the branch and about the wider RSCDS organisation.