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The Reel library

The Reel was founded in September 1951, the brain-child of Hugh Foss, then chairman of RSCDS London. The Reel includes information about RSCDS London and other clubs' events, articles about Scottish country dancing and a letters column.

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Originally published 6 times per year with up to 4 pages per issue, more recently a quarterly publication of up to 20 pages. All previous issues of The Reel are available to view in PDF format. Issues 1-234 are scans of printed copies. There is an index page which includes a note of the highlights of each issue.

Remember to set the filters you are not using back to All.

Reel 330

December 2024-February 2025


Simon Wales - issues 314 to date

From the Chair; Summer School report; New secretary; Branch Day School; On and off the dance floor; The Story behind the Dance by Meryl Thomson; Letter; Music Review by Jeremy Hill ;RSCDS Autumn Gathering and AGM; Lives remembered

Reel 329

September - November 2024


Simon Wales issues 314- to date

Chair's report; Branch AGM & accounts; Day School; On and off the Dance Floor; The Story behind the Dance; The Weaver Poet; Letter; CD Reviews; Lives Remembered; Newcomers'' View

Reel 328

June - August 2024


Simon Wales issues 314- to date

From the Chair; RSCDS London AGM; News from around the South-east; On and off the dance floor; The Story behind the Dance by Meryl Thomson; Music Review by Jeremy Hill ; News from Afar; Branch Dancers on their Travels; A Life remembered Stewart Murray; Letters

Reel 327

March - May 2024


Simon Wales issues 314 to date

From the Chair, Branch AGM notice, Dances, Classes, Meet our new Musicians, CD reviews, Music Matters, Burns and Christmas Dances, The Story behind the Dance, Branch Burns Night, Club and Society news, Lives Remembered, Forthcoming Events, Club listings

Reel 326

December 2023 - February 2024


Simon Wales issues 314 to date

From the Chair, Committee report, Dances, Classes report, Reflections on Summer School, CD reviews, At sea and on land in pictures, The Story behind the Dance, RSCDS Autumn Gathering, Club and Society news, Letter to the Reel, Lives Remembered, Forthcoming events, Club listings

Reel 325

Sept - Nov 2023


Simon Wales issues 314 to date

From the Chair, Classes restructure, AGM 2023 Report and Accounts, RSCDS Book 53 for 2023, Awards and Achievements in pictures, The Story behind the Dance, Club and Society news, Letter to the Reel, Lives Remembered, Forthcoming events, Club listings

Reel 324

June - August 2023


Simon Wales issues 314- to date

From the Chair; Branch website; Branch Committee Report; CD Review by Dave Hall; Burns Dinner; serTA; RSCDS Centenary; RSCDS London AGM & Annual Report; The Story behind the Dance by Meryl Thomson; Lives remembered Nicholas Demetriou, Elizabeth Dean, Bob Schad.

Reel 323

March - May 2023


Simon Wales Issues 314- to date

From the Chair; Care and Consideration in Dancing; New RSCDS Chair William Williamson; Burns Ceilidh; CD Review by Jeremy Hill; The Story behind the Dance: None so Pretty by Meryl Thomson; Branch Committee Report; RSCDS London AGM; Lives remembered Jock Blakey, Gill Shaw, George Bateson

Reel 322

December 2022 - February 2023


Simon Wales Issues 314- to date

From the Chair; From the Classes Convenor; Branch Committee Report; Tuesday Social; Inside the RSCDS AGM; Branch Day School and Musicians- Workshop reports; CD Review by Jeremy Hill; Reel of the 51st in New Delhi; The Story behind the Dance: Auld Lang Syne by Meryl Thomson; RSCDS London Branch at Summer School;

Reel 321

September - November 2022


Simon Wales Issues 314- to date

From the Chair; Branch AGM report; Branch accounts; Day School and Musicians' Workshop; CD Review; The Story behind the dance: Lady Dorothea Ruggles-Brise; How I started dancing: Daniel Capron; Richmond Class on the move; RSCDS Centenary listing and Dance through the Decades; Lives Remembered: Douglas Dean, Mary Robertson

Reel 320

June - August 2022


Simon Wales Issues 314- to date

From the Chair; Branch Committe report; CD Review - The Heart of Midlothian; Literary Links - Sir Walter Scott in the context of SCD; Around the Dancing World - Winter School First Timer; Dancing in Unexpected Places; Letter to The Reel; Lives Remembered - Ian Williams, Jerome Reinstein, Ian Galbraith, Deborah Ainger, George Potts, Raymond Dyke; The Story Behind the Dance: The College Hornpipe

Reel 319

March - May 2022


Simon Wales Issues 314- to date

From the Chair; Branch Committee report; Letter to The Reel; CD Review: Sir Walter Scott CD and book; The Story behind the Dance: Lady Glasgow; How we started dancing: Philippe and Lindsey Jane Rousseau; Around the Dancing World: Summer Tuesdays; Lives Remembered - Gillian Russell, Alistair J Patrick, Joy Richards, Rosemary Gurner; Management Board report

Reel 318

December 2021 - February 2022


Simon Wales Issues 314- to date

Project 23; Memories of Fetter Lane; Music Matters; Playing in Wing; The Story behind the dance: Sleepy Maggie; Kensington Gardens; Branch 90th Anniversary Celebration Ball; We have a winner; End of an era for the Argyll Scottish Dancing Group; Hammersmith Reelers recognise Perthshire Band's Loyalty; Two retiring ladies - Jeni Rutherford and Margaret Catchick; Day School 2021; Lives Remembered - Gordon Patterson, Julian Mason, Sheila Barnes; Inside the RSCDS; Doris Young; In My Opinion - Ian Muir; Branch committee report.

Reel 317

September - November 2021


Simon Wales Issues 314- to date

From the Chair; CD Review; News from Chiswick; The Story behind the Dance: Lady Susan Stewart's Reel by Meryl Thomson; Inside the RSCDS; serTA; How I started dancing: Alan Ip and Hamish Todd; Branch AGM; Branch awards to Joanne Lawrence, Stephen Webb and special award to Ian and Meryl Thomson; The Fun we had by Karen Felder; Lives Remembers - Colin Robertson, Archie McNair, Brian Hooper

Reel 316

June - August 2021


Simon Wales Issues 314- to date

From the Chair; Branch Committee Report; Raising Mrs MacNab's profile; LB Members' survey; CD Reviews; Letters to The Reel; Inside the RSCDS; In My Opinion by Elma McCausland OBE; Reflections on RSCDS Summer School; How I started dancing by Jim Henderson and Adam Ray; Lives Remembered - Eric Lindsay, Henry Nolan, Stuart M Anderson, John Nicholson, Peter Stogden, Bill Somerville, Brian G Harry; Donald Ross.

Reel 315

March - May 2021


Simon Wales Issues 314- to date

London Branch survey; Music Matters - CD reviews by Jeremy Hill; Burns Night 2021; Reflections on RSCDS Winter School; How I started dancing - Rachel Wilton, Beth Fairbairn; Lives Remembered - Duncan McNiven, Muriel E Agnew; Dance competition update.

Reel 314

December 2020 - February 2021


Simon Wales Issues 314- to date

Introducing the new RSCDS chairman: Lorna Ogilvie; LB AGM; LB Survey; New Reel Editorial Team; Favourite Dance Formations; CD Reviews by Jeremy Hill; Letters to The Reel; One step forwards and two back by Cathy Daldy; How I started dancing - Jenny Greene, Ryan Ellsworth; The John Mitchell Collection; Lives Remembered - Frank Bennett, Heather Edwards, Eileen Orr.

Reel 313

September - November 2020


Editorial Team Issues 301-313

London Branch Financial Review; Notes from Coates Crescent; Memories of the Teacher's Certificate class; An overview of How the SD World is continuing; CD Reviews; Polesden Lacey - A Very Special Event; Teacher's Speak - Reflecting on What is Important by Atsuko Clement; The Reel Profile - Iain Boyd; The MSG Virtual Festival; An Evening of Dance; The John Mitchell Collection; 26th Iberian Gathering; Barry Proddey - Unsung Hero of Dance Devising; The Missing MacNabberies; Letters to The Reel; Formations - a brief commentary; The Dance Corner; -In My Opinion- by Fiona Grant; Lives Remembered - Helen Brown, Tony Harris, Dr Bruce Thomson, Richard Rowe, Merrall McCallum-Deighton, Ann Prior, John Cass.Victor Lehmann article on The John Mitchell collection
Iain Boyd's dance - On the Other Side of the MirrorTune Ethel's Hangover for Ethel by Kenny Thomson
composed by Kenny Thomson in 2001 for Ethel Carlyle of Troon (then age 80). Not for commercial use.

Reel 312

June - August 2020


Editorial Team Issues 301-313

Winter Wednesday Dance Report; Report on Activities 2019-2020; Memories of our 90th Anniversary Tea Dance; CD Review; New Branch - Herts and Borders RSCDS; Robert Mackay and the Argylls; Alex T Queen; The Dance Corner; The Nut - A Cracking Response; Letters to The Reel; -In My Opinion- by Deb Lees; Lives Remembered - Valerie Cambridge, Pat Milner; The Dance Programme Referencing Debat Part Two.

Reel 311

March - May 2020


Editorial Team Issues 301-313

Burns Comes to Pont Street; Adieu to Quadrille Club; CD Review; Game, Set .and turn right hand; Ninety Years Young; Meet Five Past Chairmen; Glimpses into the Branch's Early Days; TAS - Teachers' Association Scotland; My Scottish Dancing Story; The Dance Corner - Old Dances for New: -The Nut, a hard dance to crack; Letters to The Reel; -In My Opinion- by Ken Martlew; Lives Remembered - Denise Haugh, Maureen Haynes, Iain MacLennan, John King; Micheal Merrifield, Paul Bracken.Eulogy given by Di Rooney at Maureen Haynes- memorial service on 10 December 2019.

Reel 310

December 2019 - February 2020


Editorial Team Issues 301-313

Branch Day School Reports; LB90 New Scottish Dance Devising Competition; Meet the new Vice Presidents; In My Opinion by Jim Lindsay; SERTA - who we are and what we do?; Teaching to Achieve Flow - Some Thoughts by Anne Carter; -I See No Ships! ; First Impressions of the RSCDS Autumn Gatherinig; Notes from Coates Crescent; Long Distance Proof Reading; An Afternoon of Challenging Dances; Being Flirty in Wing; The Dance Corner; Letters to The Reel; A Sequel: Milk and Sugar?; A Young Ann at 80; The Dance Programme Referencing Debate - Part 1; A Warm Welcome Awaits
Instructions for The Sailors' Hornpipe (see Reel 310p9)

Reel 309

September - November 2019


Editorial Team Issues 301-313

Keep Music Live! Golden Reflections; London Branch AGM 2019; The Naming of Dances; The Reel Profile - Mervyn Short; The Good Air of SCD in Argentina; ATA - The Australian Teachers' Alliance; Watford -100- Centenary Dance; Birds, Butterflies and a Big Birthday; The Dance Corner; In My Opinion by Mike Plumley; Please hand me the Teapot?; From Mayhem to Magic; Letters to the Reel.

Reel 308

June - August 2019


Editorial Team Issues 301-313

London Branch AGM Notice; Report on Activities 2018-2019; Advanced Technique Class report; Are you going to Summer School this Year?; An Interview with Robert Mackay part 2; TAC Teachers' Association (Canada); -100- Not Out! by Jim Cook; Celebrating the Burns Club of London's Sesquicentennial; What are the Scottish Dance Archives?; A Circular Question; The Dance Corner - Peter Knight's Strathspey; In My Opinion by John Carswell; The Dancers' Dilemma - Which Tartan?; Letters to the Reel; Lives Remembered - Michael Crawford, David Talbot, Carol Walker; Ceilidh at LSE; Ceilidh dancing with The Squad.

Reel 307

March to May 2019


Editorial Team Issues 301-313

AGM Notice; Burns Ceilidh dance report; Milton Keynes is 40; Cheltenham is a Small Town; An Interview with Robert Mackay Part 1; CD Review - Masters of the Tradition; Wing Musicians' Workshop; Social Dancing from Playford to Scottish; The Pleasure of being a SCD Diagram Maker; News and Events from HQ; St Columba's Church WW1 Feeding the 50,000; Completing a Project for a Friend; The Dance Corner; In My Opinion - Frank Thomson; Letters to the Reel; Lives Remembered - Sheila Jupp, Ian Hall, Adrian Meade.

Reel 306

December 2018 - February 2019


Editorial Team Issues 301-313

Branch Day School reports, Christmas Quiz, Andrew Kellett becomes RSCDS Chairman, Summer School Musicians' Course 2018 by Joan Desborough, CD Review by Jeremy Hill, Hogmanay at Higham, The Oxfordshire Branch first 50 years, Nothing quite like the Singapore Ball, In My Opinion by Eric Finley, The Dance Corner, Lives Remembered - Owen Meyer, Wilson Nicol, Jean Nicol, Wendy Henderson, Letters to The Reel.

Reel 305

September- November 2018


Editorial Team Issues 301-313

Jeremy Hill receives a Branch award; Branch accounts and AGM report; 2018 Day School; An insight into a Musician's preparation by Meryl Thomson; The RSCDS Scroll of Honour; Today's Dance Devisers - John Brenchley; Flight to Bremen by Iris Ronayne; In My Opinion by Bill Zobel; Of Socks and Dancing in Marostica by Jim Cook; SCD in the SW by David Goddard; The Dance Corner (The Brig Amity); Lives Remembered - Mike Davis, Jean Gale, Donald Wallace.

Reel 304

June- August 2018


Editorial Team Issues 301-313

Branch AGM notice; Reel archives on the Branch website; SERTA comes to Kings Langley; Are you going to Summer School this Year?; Dancing Destination - South Wales; CD reviews by Jeremy Hill; How often have you been invited to a 100th Birthday Party?; Appendix to Parts 1 and 2 of The Dancing Legacy of Hugh Foss; Letters to The Reel; In My Opinion by Philippe Rousseau; Lives Remembered - George MacLennan, Roger Waterson; The Dance Corner

Reel 303

March - May 2018


Editorial Team Issues 301-313

Christmas dance reports; Jigs Across the Sea by Edward Bunting; CD review by Chris Walker; The SCD Legacy of Hugh Foss part 2 by Adrian Conrad; Around the Clubs; The Dance Corner; My Examination Experience by Ginny Colenbrander; Dancing with a Legend (Peter Knight) by Michael Brain; In my opinion by William Williamson; Lives Remembered - John Reeve, John Sturrock, Mina Corson

Reel 302

December 2017 - February 2018


Editorial Team Issues 301-313

Branch Day School reports; Enjoying each step of the way; CD Reviews; The Scottish Dance Legacy of Hugh Foss Part 1 by Adrian Conrad; The Surbiton Way; An Old Approach made Big; The Dance Corner; Farewells, Hellos and Celebrations; Letters: what a delight - on the new design - new look for The Reel - teamwork - the new look Reel - my bug bear; In My Opinion by Malcolm Brown; Coffee Break Amusements; Lives Remembered - Fergus Bateson

Reel 301

September - December 2017


Editorial Team Issues 301-313

Reel produced in full colour and updated style. Notes from Across the Pond; Step we ceilidh - or thoughts from a caller!; A Fine Pair; The Dance Corner; Dancing news; Anniversaries out West; Letters: more bees in my bonnet - think footwork - pointing toes and the rest - thanking a retiring editor; Lives Remembered - Bill Farr, Dick Dodwell

Reel 300

May - September 2017


Jeremy Hill Issues 280-300

Those men and women who made their Reel mark; The Psychology of Scottish Dancing; How the Violin came to Scottish Dancing; Silver Cross from Then to Now; Back in the Day: Over 66 years of The Reel; Dancing Lives; Letters: from the chairman - from down under - from a vice-president in Scotland - from the USA - bees in my bonnet; Roy my Uncle - Personal Reflections of -The Minister off the Loch

Reel 299

March - May 2017


Jeremy Hill Issues 280-300

New RSCDS Chairman Helen Russell; Dancing Lives - Alastair Aitkenhead, Irene Edgar; Milton Keynes masterclass with Keith Smith; Should Auld Acquaintance be Forgot?; Letter: when do you start dancing?; Life after Unit 5

Reel 298

December 2016 - February 2017


Jeremy Hill Issues 280-300

London Branch Day School reports; RSCDS news; St Columba's 60th Anniversary and dance; Dancing Lives - Moyna Gilbertson, Janet Aylward, Liz Houghton; New Recordings, Letters: too many books? - first aid and safety at dances - dancing on a Sunday - can down ever be up?; More on Mary Douglas; Reflections on my Dancing Father

Reel 297

September - December 2016


Jeremy Hill Issues 280-300

Wilson Nicol branch award; Will the real Lady Mary Douglas come forward?; Dancing Lives - Bill Forbes, Sir William Nicoll; New Recordings, Letters: returning to the dance floor - the right time to birl? - should every Club have one?, Dancing in South East England and Beyond; When Bournemouth became 50; Memories of Lucy Clark; The SCD Scene in Germany

Reel 296

May- August 2016


Jeremy Hill Issues 280-300

Street party for the Queen's 90th birthday; RSCDS News; Music for the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh; Letters: Tempus fugit - on your feet; Jim, a legend in his lifetime; New Recordings, Dancing in South East England and Beyond; -All Stations- to Bucharest

Reel 295

February - May 2016


Jeremy Hill Issues 280-300

Branch News; Dancing People; Scroll for - Railway Jim; The Missing MacNabberies; RSCDS News - dance revisions; Lives remembered - Rowena Kelley; Honoured dancers - Lindsey and Philippe Rousseau; In 15 minutes - Lizzie Conder; Letters: back to basics - where are the 2 couple dances? - all black dominance - In lamentation; The Gay Gordons- 10th anniversary ceilidh; Branch musicians' workshop with Ian Robertson; New Recordings; Club and Other News; Making available the Historical Music of Scotland

Reel 294

December 2015 - February 2016


Jeremy Hill Issues 280-300

Branch's 85th anniversary celebrated in 1930s style; RSCDS News; A Prima Ballerina's perspective on Scottish Country Dancing; Letters: Where is London's Pride? - A Sense of Direction; New Recordings; Club and Other News

Reel 293

September - December 2015


Jeremy Hill Issues 280-300

Beating Retreat 2015; Branch News; Rediscovering Scottish Country Dances; Volunteers assemble for a London Kaper; Lives remembered - Bar Martlew; Letters: Confucius says - walk it through - five couples in a four couple set - why I am so happy when Scottish Country Dancing; New Recordings; A Scottish Country Dancing life in Africa and Asia; The very model of a modern media strategy!

Reel 292

May 2015 - August 2015


Jeremy Hill Issues 280-300

London lit up by Spring Fling 2015; Lives remembered - Mary Stoker;- Letters: Sociability, dance programmes and recaps - should dancers ever have to sit out?; New Recordings; Marvellous mirth in Madrid; Club and Other News

Reel 291

February 2015 - May 2015


Jeremy Hill Issues 280-300

Spring Fling 2015; Branch News - in 15 minutes - Jamie Walker; The Caledonian Reelers come to Pont St; Lives remembered - Ian Dennison, Janet Benton; An Interview with our new RSCDS Chairman, Jim Healy; Letters: sociability: dead or just dying? - Nineteenth of December; The Lady who would love to dance - a poem by Bruce McLaren; New Recordings; Going through hoops for the Cooper and his family; Gie her a Haggis!

Reel 290

December 2014 - February 2015


Jeremy Hill Issues 280-300

Death of John Laurie; My first St Andrews; Dropping in for the Day School; Spring Fling 2015; Branch News; Lives remembered; Partners for The Eightsome Reel; New Recordings; Letters: seeking the Apolaustic life - heads and eyes up; SCD in Malaysia - Reely?; dancing cheek to cheek

Reel 289

September - November 2014


Jeremy Hill Issues 280-300

Dancing in a salt mine; Inspiring a love of dancing; Strathspey or not strathspey; New Recordings; Colin Hume does Scottish; Letters: more on taking the lead - box and fiddle - Scottish Reform - little green book; Lives remembered; News from Clubs; Commonwealth global ceilidh

Reel 288

May - August 2014


Jeremy Hill Issues 280-300

Focus on Youth; Scottish Country Dancing: the Great Post-War Transformation; The Andrew Rankine years; Partaking in a Piece of History (Green Ginger) ;-New Recordings; Letters: taking the lead - children's corner - RSCDS publications and Pilling diagrams - the little green book - popular programmes; News from Clubs; Humpty-Dumpty in St Petersburg

Reel 287

February - April 2014


Jeremy Hill Issues 280-300

Burns Night for Bairns; SCD Beats Ageing; Memories of Ann Dix; Old music, new media; New Recordings; Letters: popular programmes - traditions and teaching - now there's a thought or two; Pride and prejudice on the dance floor; News from Clubs

Reel 286

December 2013 - February 2014


Jeremy Hill Issues 280-300

The Role of an MC; End of an era - Demonstration class; Jigs and Reels, a new publication for teaching children; In 15 minutes - Anna Twinn; Craigevar Band - What's in a Name?; New Recordings; Letters: popular and frequent dances - to dance or not to dance - be prepared - opportunity in Ottowa - dancing in my socks for Michael Buerk; Around the World; News from Clubs

Reel 285

September - November 2013


Jeremy Hill Issues 280-300

RSCDS 90th anniversary ball; Angela Berry - citation for Branch award; Dancing in New Zealand; Birling - Your Turn to have Fun!; Letters: recaps and Summer Tuesdays - safety SCD and shoes - harassment and dance etiquette - pour encourager les autres; New Recordings; News from Clubs; The Pat Batt legacy; John Laurie at 80

Reel 284

May 2013 - August 2013


Jeremy Hill Issues 280-300

South East Region Teachers' Association; Rampant symbolism; Obituary - Charlie Galloway; Next Train to Minsk; Meet Concerto Caledonia; Letters: the Society and new dances - how risky is SCD? - traditional dances and dance programmes - Mairi's Wedding and the Society - helping beginners - Scottish at Sidmouth Festival; New Recordings; News from Clubs

Reel 283

February - May 2013


Jeremy Hill Issues 280-300

Branch award - Margaret Catchick; Highland in Helmand; In 15 minutes - Jeremy Hill; I went down to Dookie and I go the T-shirt; Dancing in the NE; Celtic connections Ceoll Dansa; Letters: Sidmouth Folk Festival - Burns Supper and Ceilidh dance - traditional dance - can some dances be more equal than others? - what's in a name - summer dancing; New Recordings; News from Clubs.

Reel 282

December 2012 - February 2013


Jeremy Hill Issues 280-300

RSCDS Family Wilkinson; Schiehallion; Dances Old and New; Letters: backed into a corner - popularity of dancing - back to basics - the next step - London Pride - walk throughs - Kensington Gardens; New Recordings; News from Clubs; Dance and art collide

Reel 281

September - November 2012


Jeremy Hill Issues 280-300

Youth at Summer School; The origins of SCD; Bill Clement MBE; Strictly Challenging - Pastures New; Letters: Robin Adshead - name that dance - the next step - dances RSCDS or non RSCDS - popularity of dancing; New Recordings; News from Clubs

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